For the last 9 decades, The OPJS family is dedicated to the betterment of education. We have seen many ups and downs since British regime in Haryana State but with the benign blessings of the Almighty God we sailed smoothly amid ebb and flow. OPJS family was established by Late Shri Sanwaliaram, who hailed from a very humble, agrarian family of village Chiri of Rohtak district in Haryana State. Being down to earth and the witness of the miseries of the suppressed, downtrodden people of that time, he was shaken completely. Then he took a pledge to sacrifice his whole life to uplift the deprived section of the society irrespective of caste and creed. He foresighted the welfare of the people can be achieved only by making them literate. In his pursuit, he founded “Arya Sabha” and started a Primary school under the name and style “Arya Pathshala” in his ancesteral village Chiri in 1922. Since then this journey continued unabated and never looked back. After Independence, the then joint Punjab government, in recognition to this trust’s dedication towards the society without any material gains, put this school on Grant-in-aid and at present this school is getting Financial Aid from Haryana Government.
After the demise of Sh. Sanwaliaram, his son Shri Om Parkash, an eminent academician of the area took this challenge and the whole trust entrusted him with the task to chair the trust. Sh. Om Parkash followed the footprints of the previous of his father and established more schools in the surrounding areas. At present, he is the Chairman of many societies.
Under the aegis of OPJS Trust and the able guidance of Sh. Om Parkash, his son Shri Jogender Singh founded this University. Sh Jogender Singh is a well renowned personality in Haryana, he is highly qualified person both in academics as well as in sports. He has represented India in Boxing and brought laurels to the country and society. He is philanthropist to the core. During his abode to Rajasthan, he saw the miserable condition of academics in Rajasthan, he there then made up his mind to do for the betterment of the lower crust of the society. Inspired by the need of the people and guided by his basic instinct as an extrovert, he started his mission to establish an institution of International standard in Rajsthan state. Finally, the dream comes true. A new entity emerged on the map of Rajasthan in the name of OPJS University. The day is not far, when this university will become an epitome of knowledge.